Huis Clos de Sartre (No Exit)
(2018, original title: Zárt tárgyalás)
Cast: Ines
Garcin: Árpa Attila
Director: Kriszt Laszló
The story is about three different person living in hell. They are searching the reasons of their depravations while they meet each other. They have to face with their devil inside, the never ending punishment and solitude. Three dead souls digest the crime, search for the meaning of life and finally confess their guilts. In the hell, they have to face with punishment – egoistic and coward Garcin, beautiful but selfish Estelle, the master of manupulation and lesbian Ines - it can’t be an accident that they meet each other in hell… They are the mirrors of society and can’t deny their true face. So, this interesting piece is about them…
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